Can Potholes Damage Vehicle Tires?

How do potholes damage vehicle tires? Potholes are more than just a bump in the pavement; they can also cause damage to your car. Taking a proactive approach by repairing potholes in your parking lot is key to avoiding problems. On the other hand, not scheduling repairs can increase the risk of pothole tire damage. […]

Maximizing the Lifespan of Your Parking Lot with Proper Maintenance

How to maximize the lifespan of your parking lot with regular maintenance services. Your asphalt parking lot is a major investment that requires routine maintenance to remain in top shape. A well-maintained parking lot provides curb appeal, enhances safety, and extends its lifespan. Keeping your parking lot well-maintained brings immeasurable value to property managers and […]

The Importance of Clearly Marked Handicap Parking Spaces

What are some handicap parking space painting requirements in Florida? Clearly marked handicapped parking spaces are a necessity for a parking lot. Following these handicap parking space painting requirements makes it much easier for people with disabilities to visit your business. Meeting these guidelines is also important to avoid paying expensive fines. A parking lot […]

The Role of Drainage in Parking Lot Maintenance

Why is proper drainage so important for parking lot maintenance? Parking lots are a key part of any property. However, they often endure a wide range of weather conditions, from heavy rains to intense sunshine. Significant water exposure poses a threat to the durability of a parking lot. Implementing a well-designed parking lot drainage system […]

Top 10 Common Asphalt Repair Problems and Solutions

What are a few common asphalt repair solutions we provide? Asphalt parking lots are a key part of any business’ infrastructure. However, damage to your pavement can happen over time. Sometimes these issues are minor, while other problems are more severe. Working with a company that provides asphalt repair solutions is important for taking care […]

How to Patch Asphalt in Parking Lots

How does asphalt patching work in parking lots? Asphalt parking lots can develop wear and tear from constant use, exposure to the elements, and heavy vehicle traffic. Scheduling asphalt patching is a key part of parking lot maintenance. Repairing asphalt in a timely manner is a cost-effective way to prevent further damage, and it can […]

Sidewalk Grinding: An Expert Guide from ACPLM

What is concrete grinding? Cracks can eventually form on your sidewalk over time. These can be caused by tree roots, drainage issues, improper installation, or concrete mix. These cracks tend to cause an unlevel walking surface and can get much bigger if you don’t get them smoothed over. ACPLM is a full-service concrete maintenance provider. […]

How Long Does Sealcoating Last in a Parking Lot?

How long does sealcoating last in a parking lot in Florida? Sealcoating a parking lot is a key aspect of property management. Hiring professionals to sealcoat your pavement is a great way to extend its lifespan and protect it against the outside elements and harsh chemicals. Understanding how long sealcoating lasts is a common question […]

How to Repair Large Cracks in Asphalt Parking Lots

How are large cracks repaired in parking lots? Asphalt parking lots are widely used for properties due to their durability. However, these parking lots need to be well maintained to keep them in excellent condition. Small cracks and large cracks can eventually form in an asphalt parking lot, whether it’s due to normal wear and […]

Is there an “Order” to Asphalt Repairs?

What “order” should asphalt parking lot repairs be completed in? Scheduling asphalt repairs is important for maintaining the safety and appearance of parking lots. A well-maintained asphalt parking lot not only extends its lifespan but also minimizes accidents and liabilities. Working with an experienced asphalt paving contractor is a great way to keep your parking […]

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