ASPHALT Florida Rides on Us!

ASPHALT Florida Rides on Us!


  • The Best and Fastest Way to build a road in the short and long term: best value, least intrusive to your voters, and the lowest impact on local businesses.
  • Black is the new Green: Asphalt is the most recycled product in America and has the lowest carbon footprint of any paving material.
  • Creates Jobs: Asphalt puts constituents to work immediately (that means today). Paving contractors and their employees live and pay taxes in the communities they work in.
  • Long Lasting Proven Product: Florida pavements rank top in the U.S. every year – They are 99% asphalt!
  • Safer for the Driving Public: Open Graded Friction Courses provide better visibility, decreased hydroplaning, and fewer wet weather crashes.
  • Asphalt= Freedom! Allows your community to move freely, it’s easy to adapt as areas grow or change, and it gets you where you want to go.

By Thomas Fairfax

ACPLM Webmaster

With over a half century of combined industry experience, the pros at ACPLM are experts at what they do. Our full service concrete repair and pavement services range from complete installation to minor maintenance projects and everything in between. Call 888-959-9637 today to speak with one of our trusted advisers.