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Why You Should Choose ACPLM for Asphalt Repair in Orlando

ACPLM is your go-to source for every type of asphalt repair, maintenance, and installation. Orlando property owners will likely require an asphalt repair of one type or another at some point in the future. Though asphalt is tough and durable, it is not impenetrable. Asphalt is prone to wear, tear, and damage just like any […]

Why Orlando Businesses Should Sealcoat Their Asphalt

A professional sealcoating is necessary for Orlando businesses of all types and sizes. Asphalt parking lots certainly seem indestructible when they are first installed. Though much of the damage to your parking lot is not visible, it is certainly there. The pounding rain takes a toll. Even the sun’s UV rays will diminish the quality […]

Why Sealcoating is Important to Maintain Your Parking Lot in Tampa

Sealcoating is essential to Tampa parking lot maintenance. When was the last time you thought about your parking lot? Most business owners and managers assume their parking lot will accommodate vehicle and foot traffic, parked cars, and delivery trucks without encountering a problem. It is understandable to take this portion of your property for granted. […]

What Are Dumpster Pads?

Maybe you have heard of them, but are not quite sure what they are. Here is an in-depth look at everything you need to know about dumpster pads. Dumpster pads Dumpster Pads are important for maintaining the space around and below your dumpster. If you listen as a dumpster lifted into the air, emptied, and […]

What is Asphalt Sealer?

Asphalt Sealer Simply Explained Some people have heard of asphalt sealer, yet many do not know what it is. If you are not exactly sure what asphalt sealer is, you have come to the right place. What Does Asphalt Sealer Do? Asphalt sealer protects the surface from gradual wear and tear, damage from the sun’s […]

Why Pavement Repair Is Necessary in Tampa, Florida

Tampa Pavement Repair – Prolong Your Property’s Lifespan and Save Money Just like anything else, asphalt pavement will eventually succumb to wear and tear. Take a moment to consider what your Tampa pavement goes through, from vehicles, foot traffic, and nature’s wrath. It is only a matter of time until repair will be necessary. Everything […]

Why ADA Ramps Are Necessary for Businesses in Tampa

Every building in Tampa Bay should have a functional ADA ramp that permits access to those with mobility challenges. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates businesses and public buildings in the state of Florida and across the United States provide access to the handicapped. Most Tampa Bay businesses are required to have a ramp. […]

Asphalt Maintenance: How Professionals Maintain Your Asphalt Parking Lot

Let the Professionals Maintain Your Tampa Bay Asphalt Parking Lot for Improved Utility and Aesthetics Parking lot maintenance is essential to your Tampa Bay property’s functionality, as well as its visual appeal. If you own or manage a Tampa organization of any variety in which there is an asphalt parking lot, asphalt maintenance is an […]

Curb Installation in Tampa, Florida

Most property owners overlook their curbs. After all, curbs are fairly small and ordinary structures. Yet they play a vital role in the functionality of your property. ACPLM’s curb installation services are second-to-none. If your curbs are worn down or if you need curbs added to any portion of your Tampa property, do not ally […]

What is Asphalt Patching?

Tampa’s Asphalt Experts Provide an In-depth Look at Asphalt Patching Every Tampa property eventually requires repairs and maintenance. It is only a matter of time until water weakens soil beneath the pavement. Potholes appear after heavy vehicles travel across the weakened surface. Their weight causes cracking that subsequently forms potholes. Thankfully, there is a solution […]

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