Naples Sealcoating Contractors

ACPLM Paving America

How to Choose Sealcoating Contractors in Naples

Most business owners consider improvements to the interior and exterior of their property to be investments. These projects certainly cost money yet they provide considerably utility and increase your property’s value. The asphalt pavement that comprises your driveway is an excellent example of a worthwhile investment. Don’t rely on any old sealcoating contractors to perform this work. Your parking lot is the welcome mat for your business. It needs to be sealcoated by truly professional sealcoating contractors. Here’s how to pinpoint the industry’s best.

Reputation Matters

The reputation of sealcoating contractors is incredibly important. It might even be the most important factor to consider when attempting to decide between competing sealcoating contractors. Do some digging. Ask around to find out if the sealcoating contractors you have in mind are worth their keep. Take a look at online reviews. You can even check with the Better Business Bureau to determine if a number of complaints have been filed against a prospective contractor. In general, it is not a good idea to do business with a company that sends salesmen door-to-door. Such groups typically offer low-quality sealcoats and rarely follow up after performing the initial work.

Materials are Vitally Important

Find out exactly what types of materials will be used. Determine the method the contractor will use when applying those materials. These are perfectly legitimate questions that you have every right to ask. If you suspect the contractor’s materials, equipment or method of application are flawed in any way, don’t let them touch your property! You deserve the best when it comes to materials and their application. Make sure the contractor’s equipment is the industry’s best so the job is done properly and in an efficient manner.

Number of Coatings

Find out the number of coatings the contractor will provide. It is best to apply two or more coats. The initial coat seals the nooks and crannies. The second coating ensures there is ample protection against stimuli that speeds up the aging process.


The best sealcoating contractors provide a rock-solid warranty. The lifespan of the materials used for the project matter a great deal. If potholes or cracks form, the warranty should cover them. If the contract does not provide follow-up services by the main contractor, such work should be outsourced to a reputable subcontractor. The contractor should hold insurance to protect you and other customers from property damage.

Contact ACPLM for Your Sealcoating

ACPLM goes beyond the criteria outlined above for the customers. Let ACPLM handle your sealcoating project and you will be more than pleased with the work. ACPLM aims to exceed expectations so you are inspired to come back for future projects and recommend ACPLM  to colleagues, family, and friends.

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