What are some common questions about sealcoating?
Many business owners and HOAs know that asphalt paving is an excellent option for parking lots. It is cheaper upfront and offers a more cost-efficient solution. Asphaltparking lot maintenance is also simple. Other than asphalt sealcoating, minimal parking lot maintenance is needed.
Still, many details about sealcoating a parking lot are not common knowledge. People know very little about it other than it should be done periodically. This leaves them with some doubts about the importance of sealcoating parking lots.
Below are some of the questions people usually ask about sealcoating. Each question is also answered to lay all misgivings to rest.
 What is Asphalt Sealcoating Made of?
Sealer is typically made of asphalt bitumen, a liquid binder that holds the components of asphalt together. It is a crude and naturally occurring byproduct of oil. Before application, it is heated to 240 degrees Fahrenheit or more, making the substance viscous. Other sealer options are made from synthetic tar. These can be applied without heating up.
Why is Sealcoating Parking Lot Pavements Important?
Asphalt consists of stones, and fine sand held together by asphalt binders. This binder is strong and gives the asphalt its characteristic rich, black color. Still, it is not immune to the effects of prolonged exposure to the sun, rain, snow, and all the other elements. Even vehicle fluids such as oil and gasoline can contribute to its premature deterioration.
One of the main concerns for contractors and parking lot owners is asphalt oxidation, making the pavement brittle and more vulnerable to cracks. Extreme conditions, such as high temperatures, can accelerate the oxidation rate of asphalt.
Sealcoating creates an protective layer that protects the asphalt paving from oxidation. It shields the surface from UV rays, prevents excessive accumulation of heat, and blocks moisture from softening the lower layers. It prolongs the life of asphalt parking lots and minimizes the need for asphalt repair.
How Long Does It Last?
Sealcoating can last up to three or four years, especially for newer pavements that are still in great condition. Older asphalt parking lots may need to be resealed more frequently. Asphalt parking lots that are well-maintained with regular sealcoating can last anywhere between 20 to 30 years.
 How Long Does It Take for Sealcoating to Dry?
Many factors affect the curing rate of asphalt sealcoating, from temperature to humidity to wind conditions. A newly sealed asphalt pavement also has an evolving tolerance for various activities, depending on which stage of curing is occurring.
In general, a newly sealed asphalt parking lot is ready for foot traffic within three to four hours after application. Motorists should be able to drive over it after one to three days, but measures must be taken to ensure that harsh chemicals such as oil and gasoline are not spilled. Burning rubber or driving very fast must also be avoided.
Thirty days after sealcoating parking lot pavement, the surface should be strong enough to stand up to extreme weather conditions and vehicle activities.
What Causes the Deterioration of an Asphalt Surface?
Extreme weather conditions do the most damage on asphalt surfaces. Moisture seeping into the asphalt can result in ridges or upheavals on the asphalt parking lot.
On the other hand, prolonged exposure to heat and the sun’s UV rays can accelerate asphalt oxidation. Over time, the asphalt pavement becomes stiff and susceptible to cracks.
In Florida, where summers are warm and humid, asphalt oxidation is a major concern for Sealcoating Services and parking lot owners.
Sealcoating parking lot pavement provides a protective layer that helps prevent moisture from seeping in and shields the surface from UV rays. It helps prolong the asphalt pavement’s life, giving you the most return on your investment.
What Are the Factors that Affect the Price of Sealcoating?
Every project is unique, but there are tell-tale signs that help provide a ballpark figure for sealcoating price. This includes the special arrangements that must be made to minimize the disruption to customers and tenants, the amount of preparation that must be performed before sealing, the layout of the parking lot, and the size of the parking lot.
Contact ACPLM for Sealcoating Services in Tampa
To protect your asphalt parking lot from the elements and vehicle oils, contact ACPLM now. Our team has over 50 years of combined experience repairing and maintaining parking lots in Florida. Contact us for more information and to schedule a no-cost consultation for sealcoating services today!