What Are Dumpster Pads?

What Are Dumpster Pads?

Maybe you have heard of them, but are not quite sure what they are. Here is an in-depth look at everything you need to know about dumpster pads.

Dumpster pads

Dumpster Pads are important for maintaining the space around and below your dumpster. If you listen as a dumpster lifted into the air, emptied, and slammed back onto the ground, you realize just how forceful this can be. Metal dumpsters and big trash trucks exert a considerable amount of force onto the pavement below. This force has the potential to cause extensive damages that can cause the property owner to have to deal with costly repairs. The solution to this issue is a dumpster pad.

Dumpster pads typically reach 10 – 15 feet outside of the dumpster. This length is intentional to allow the weight of heavy trash trucks on the pad, rather than putting all the pressure on nearby pavement. Dumpster pads are made up of concrete with a wire mesh or rebar.

Once the wire mesh or rebar is put in the slab, a formidable combination of steel and concrete exists. This pairing has the strength necessary to withstand more force and for a longer period than other surfaces.
Industry experts are quick to point out that concrete dumpster pads are superior to asphalt, as they can support the weight of massive trucks and dumpsters better. Concrete is not impacted by other potential threats such as oil leaks or hydraulic fluids. If hydraulic fluid leaks onto your property, it will be difficult to remove, unless you opted for concrete. The large trash trucks that empty dumpsters are known to leak this fluid, as there is considerable pressure placed on their internal hydraulic system. With a concrete dumpster pad, you won’t have to worry about this problem.

Dumpster pads are kept strong with a foundation compacted up to 8 inches with crushed stone. Once this is compacted, the concrete is placed on at a thickness of at least 6 inches. This careful and precise approach to the placement and design of the dumpster pad will keep your Tampa Bay property in optimal condition. It also prevents annoying and expensive repairs from popping up in the coming months and years.

Contact Us Today to Schedule an Initial Consultation

If you are interested in having dumpster pads installed on your Tampa Bay property, reach out to us to schedule an initial consultation. You can contact us by calling 888-959-9637.

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