Parking Lot Color: What Does the Color of Your Asphalt Mean?

Parking Lot Color: What Does the Color of Your Asphalt Mean?

What does your parking lot color mean?

Having asphalt paving requires regular maintenance to retain its quality and prolong its longevity. For commercial property owners, the parking lot is an important aspect of their property since it speaks a lot about the business and affects how customers feel about it. In most cases, parking lot striping and pavement markings are a must since these help drivers navigate the space.

Understanding parking lot color will thus be helpful as this can tell you the quality of your pavement and give proper directions for use.

Examining the color of your asphalt pavement parking lot and striping can help you determine when you need to do some maintenance work. Each of the paint colors represents a specific parking rule, so organizing the markings is a must to promote efficient traffic flow. Likewise, the surface of your pavement may fade over time as it is exposed to the sun’s UV rays.

 Parking Lot Color – Striping

Have you ever thought about the paint used for parking lots and wondered if the color was significant? If so, the answer is yes! The paint color used for lines create defined spaces to control traffic and guide drivers to safety. In some cases, your state may have specific rules for striping colors, but generally, here are the standard colors and their respective meanings:

  • White: Marks designated parking spaces, unless restricted by signs
  • Red: Typically signifies no parking, no standing and stopping, or designated fire lanes; in some cases, it may also be used for bus stops
  • Blue: Reserved areas for disabled or handicapped permit holders (must have a disabled person placard or license plate)
  • Yellow: Loading or unloading vehicles, but the driver must stay inside

The guidelines above may help you plan your parking lot color and create an efficient system. That said, the meaning of each color may vary for each state, so make sure you learn about any policies and regulations. If you notice the markings starting to fade, it is crucial that you get them redone to prevent posing any risk to your customers.

Renewing Asphalt Sealcoating

Aside from parking lot line striping, you may also notice a change in your parking lot color when the asphalt starts fading. This situation is often caused by exposure to the sun’s UV rays, which cause your pavement to fade and become brittle over time. As such, sealcoating your asphalt is a must to protect your parking lot pavement and maintain the quality of the asphalt.

Sealcoating essentially protects asphalt from fading and breaking, as well as from possible water penetration. The sealer is typically water-based and made with a binder like coal tar and a slurry treated with chemicals. Adding it to your parking lot will enhance its appearance, making it look fresher and more inviting to customers. Similar to other maintenance procedures, sealcoating must also be redone every three to four years, depending on your pavement’s condition.

Refresh Your Parking Lot Color Now

Is your parking lot starting to look uninviting, with all the markings and asphalt fading? If so, contact ACPLM at 888-959-9637 to set up a free consultation. Protect your investment today by maximizing your pavement’s useful life and refreshing its color to keep up with necessary maintenance.