The Basics of Traffic Delineators in Tampa Bay
Traffic delineators are quite helpful in directing motorists through the road’s twists and challenges. Delineators can be used on every type of public road across the country that presents a potential problem for drivers. Perhaps the road intersects with an exit ramp. Maybe the road has an odd shape. Traffic delineators Tampa Bay are especially helpful in areas where poor visibility prevents the driver from seeing the sides of the road. Delineators are often used on Tampa Bay highways that require consistent demarcation of the road on each side for the safe separation of traffic.
The Installation of Traffic Delineators
Specific guidelines must be adhered to when traffic delineators are installed by ACPLM and any other party. Certain guidelines impact the actual design of the delineator. Other guidelines determine the application of the delineator. As an example, delineators are required to feature a retro-reflective strip that has a width of at least three inches. The delineator’s color is required to coordinate with the stripe line’s hue as mandated by Tampa Bay law. The rear portion of the reflective delineator can be red if it will solely be seen by motor vehicle operators approaching from the opposite direction.
In general, it is necessary for a single delineator to be installed on the side of the interchange ramp as well as the right side of the freeway. Yet there are some exceptions. For instance, areas of Tampa Bay where lights are installed at interchanges and areas with raised pavement do not require delineators. Private property owners can request that delineators be placed where the public road meets their land’s point of entry. In such an instance, a minimum of three delineators is required. Yet the property owner must install the posts and maintain their condition across posterity.
A Word to the Wise
This write-up is meant to serve as a brief overview of the protocols for traffic delineator design and installation by ACPLM. Reach out to the state Department of Transportation for specific instructions regarding the placement of traffic delineators on the specific roads and highways in your part of Tampa Bay. This department will provide detailed explanations of the concepts and rules outlined in this piece.
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