7 Steps for Speed Bumps Installation in Your Neighborhood

7 Steps for Speed Bumps Installation in Your Neighborhood

If you are concerned with the speed of vehicles in your neighborhood, speed bumps installation will solve the problem. ACPLM-installed speed bumps significantly slow traffic, creating a safer and more enjoyable outdoor space. Let’s take a look at how to best approach speed bumps installation.

Speak With Your Neighbors
It is important to determine if your neighbors consider speeding to be an issue. If neighbors express concern about the rate of speed at which vehicles zoom down the street, they will prove to be valuable allies. Ask them if they have any specific safety concerns and how they would like them to be handled. Make sure they are aware it is possible to reduce neighborhood speeding with traffic calming devices. Become the leader of your concerned group and you can represent the neighborhood in front of local officials.

Find out the Details of Your City’s Procedure
Determine the nuances of local procedure for efforts to calm traffic. These details will shape your ensuing action(s). Some locales mandate that a speeding/traffic study be performed before installing traffic calming devices. Figure out the department that should be contacted and the best person to speak with. Meet with this official to discuss legal calming methods allowed in your municipality. If necessary, pinpoint your local process for a traffic study to be performed. Print any necessary applications and/or guides from your municipality’s website.

Meet With Others and Plan Your Action
Once you understand what you municipality permits for traffic calming, share your findings with concerned neighbors. Create a petition for them to sign during the meeting. Make sure they include their address so the public official can see exactly how many people in the neighborhood desire speed bumps installation. Determine who will represent the group as the community liaison between homeowners/renters and local officials.

If data must be collected, assign collection duties to specific individuals in the group. If neighbors are intent on speed bumps installation, determine if they are willing to bear the brunt of the cost. In general, a four-segment ACPLM speed bump will cost several hundred dollars.

Reach out to Local Officials
The designated community liaison should remain in contact with local officials ranging from the council person to those at the firehouse and police precinct. These officials should have a clear understanding of the problem. Explain that you have assembled a petition with numerous signatures. Outline the solution your group desires. Ask if there are any concerns regarding access for emergency vehicles. If so, find out if rerouting can alleviate the concerns.

Define the Problem
If there is no local application form for speed bumps installation or other traffic calming projects, craft an informative explanation of why speeding is an issue for your neighborhood. Identify pedestrian generating facilities in the area along with the frequency of such gatherings. If you can identify the percentage/number of pedestrians at risk, it will help your cause.

Figure out if a Speed Bump is Appropriate
An ACPLM speed bump is appropriate if the target area is classified as a local road, fairly flat, not a primary route for emergencies/commercial trucks/buses and has a speed limit of 35 mph or less.

Present the Case
Mail the signed petition and application/documentation along with a cover letter containing your contact information to your local council person. Follow up if a response is not provided in two weeks.

Contact ACPLM for Speed Bump Installation
ACPLM knows the ins and outs of speed bumps installation. Our crew will install speed bumps in your neighborhood with minimal disruption. We work quickly and thoroughly. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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