Do Parking Lots Need to be Resealed?

Everything you need to know about resealing your parking lot.

In the realm of pavement maintenance, the term “resealing” often crops up in discussions about parking lot upkeep. But what does it entail, and why is it crucial for your asphalt? Let’s delve into the details of parking lot sealing, its importance, and why it should be a priority to keep your parking lot in great condition.

Understanding Parking Lot Sealing

Parking lot sealing, also known as sealcoating, is a protective layer applied to asphalt surfaces. It acts as a shield against various elements that can degrade the pavement over time. Sealcoating essentially seals the porous surface of the asphalt, preventing water, oils, UV rays, and other harmful substances from penetrating and causing damage.

The Importance of Sealcoating Service

Preventing Damage: Parking lots endure significant wear and tear due to constant vehicle traffic and exposure to the elements. Sealcoating provides a barrier that shields the asphalt from deterioration, including cracks, potholes, and alligator cracking, thereby extending its lifespan.

Enhancing Aesthetics: A freshly sealed parking lot boasts a sleek, black finish that enhances curb appeal. It gives the impression of a well-maintained property, leaving a positive impression on visitors.

Cost-Effectiveness: Investing in sealcoating services is a cost-effective strategy compared to the expenses associated with extensive parking lot repair or replacement. By preserving the integrity of the asphalt surface, owners can avoid hefty repair bills down the line.

Pavement Maintenance: Routine sealcoating is an integral aspect of pavement maintenance. It forms part of a proactive approach to preserving the structural integrity of the asphalt pavement, reducing the need for reactive repairs.

Addressing Common Parking Lot Issues

Potholes and Cracks: Potholes and cracks are common issues plaguing asphalt parking lots. Sealcoating helps prevent the formation of these imperfections by sealing the surface and preventing water intrusion, which can exacerbate existing cracks and lead to pothole formation.

Alligator Cracking: Alligator cracking, characterized by interconnected cracks resembling the skin of an alligator, is often a result of prolonged neglect and pavement fatigue. Sealcoating provides a protective layer that helps mitigate the risk of alligator cracking, preserving the structural integrity of the asphalt.

Discolored Asphalt: Over time, exposure to sunlight and environmental factors can cause asphalt to fade and lose its rich black color. Sealcoating rejuvenates the appearance of the parking lot, restoring its vibrant hue and ensuring a uniform, aesthetically pleasing surface.

Choosing the Right Sealcoating Method

When it comes to sealcoating a parking lot, business owners have a choice between different sealant options, including coal tar and asphalt emulsion sealers. Both offer distinct advantages, with coal tar sealers known for their durability and resistance to chemicals, while asphalt emulsion sealers are preferred for their eco-friendliness and ease of application.

Contact ACPLM for Parking Lot Sealcoating and Resealing in Tampa Bay

Parking lot sealing is a vital aspect of asphalt pavement maintenance. It not only protects the surface from damage caused by water, oils, and UV rays but also enhances its appearance and prolongs its lifespan.

By investing in sealcoating services, property managers can mitigate the risk of costly repairs, maintain a professional image, and ensure the safety and satisfaction of their customers. Don’t wait until cracks and potholes mar your parking lot—take proactive steps to preserve its integrity and reap the long-term benefits of effective pavement maintenance.

If your parking lot needs to be sealed, contact ACPLM for parking lot sealcoating in Tampa Bay and schedule your free consultation today.